Sunday, December 10, 2006

Church (and an awesome sermon)

One of my favorite days of the week! Church is always awesome and the fellowship of saints is so beautiful
This Sunday's sermon would definitely go under the "renewing of the mind" category. Mr. Craig Cabiness from one of the Sovereign Grace here in Texas came and spoke this Sunday. Wow, it is amazing what we learned from just the first six verses of Ruth. The basic lesson of his sermon was for us not to find satisfaction in things of this world and often times when we're discouraged and distressed my something we often go looking in the wrong places for relief. Contentment with God is so important. I find it hard to take everything to God, instead I mope or eat(wallowing *wink*) or try to make myself happy with something that is temporal.
Another important point he made, which is so relevant to me, was the idea that marrying someone who does not believe as I do, will bring serious consequences. As I get closer to the "marryin' age" I continue to ask God to keep me strong in this belief.
Mr. Cabiness preached an awesome sermon!

Also in the spirit of renewing of the mind, God has placed on my heart the need for me to be more open about my faith and open to sharing the Gospel. Today in worship we sang an awesome song, The chorus goes like this:

Let Your kingdom come
Let Your will be done
So that everyone might know Your Name
Let Your song be heard everywhere on earth
Till Your sovereign work on earth is done
Let Your kingdom come

The song also discusses the idea that Jesus Christ should be known where ever we are. This is my hope that I would truly be light for Him.

I love these holiday's! Especially all the parties, I mean what would Christmas time be like with out friends? I've been trying to get myself together gift-wise, but all my fabulous planning is turning against me.
Christmas break is almost here and all homework will be stricken from my life after this week. I'm looking forward to the co-op Christmas party, it should be interesting to say the least.

The Houston Biscuits( the affection term bestowed on Texans by my mother) lost to Vince Young, that amazing football player beat the whole Texans team single-handed! :c) It was fun. David Carr should be on his way out the door.....

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