Tuesday, April 3, 2007

You won't see these Gators later!

Go Gators! I filled out a NCAA Final Four bracket this year, and most of it was really off....but when it came around with the final two: Ohio St. and Florida, I was right on target! I predicted Florida to win and was so happy to witness them beat Ohio State, which beat some of my favs in earlier rounds. The final score was 84-75. The game was exciting and I hope that alot of

the guys from these talented teams return to college ball and don't enter the NBA draft.

I enjoy college ball and the attitudes, these guys play with. In the NBA a lot of the players have been corrupted by big money deals and the media. In college ball, the guys play with pure love of the game and have a passion for basketball, unlike alot of NBA players.

So Congrats to the Florida Gators, ya'll made this year's March Madness fun!


J-Wall said...

I filled out a bracket... but I didn't even watch the games? Haha. I just wanted to see how well I could guess.

Happy Birthday Adrienne!!! *mwah*

J-Wall said...

Haha, I forgot to add the early to that. And now, because it is still not your birthday, you get another

Happy (early) Birthday Adrienne!! *cookies*

The celebration continues all week long.

Anonymous said...

it's MIDNIGHT....



J-Wall said...

Haaaappy Biiiirrrthdaaaaay tooooo yooouuuu.... happy birthday to YOU... happy birrrrthday dear El Roache! Don't get squaaaaashed, oooookaaaaay? Goooood.

Alright, I'm done singing. But I pray you have a fantastic day girl! I can't believe you are 18. Now you can do bizarre grown-uppy things. Wow. :)

*balloons and flip flops*